Albany has an estimated 135 miles of stormwater pipes, 70 miles of ditches, 2,322 manholes, and 4,307 catch basins along with 116 stormwater quality facilities. The total value of these facilities is estimated at more than $100 million. It makes good economic sense for these assets to be monitored, maintained, and replaced before they fail and disrupt service, damage property, flood, or require preventable and expensive repairs.
Historically, Albany has not been able to properly manage or maintain stormwater assets due to lack of adequate funding. Consequently, infrastructure continues to deteriorate. The City has been able to do minor cleaning, respond to emergency floods and spills, and sweep streets with money that would otherwise be used for sewers and streets.

Failed stormwater pipe in Albany. Remains in place.
Significant portions of Albany’s piped stormwater system are failing. With only 50 percent of the system inspected and assigned a condition rating to date, eight miles of pipe are identified as being in a failed condition or are anticipated to fail in the next 10 years. Another nearly one mile of pipe needs significant maintenance and repair to address root intrusions. To address all these issues would cost an estimated $20 million. If the remaining portion of the system to be inspected is in similar condition, that number increases to $40 million. Left unaddressed, more frequent street flooding, sink holes, and property damage should be anticipated.
Albany must do more to responsibly manage our assets, replace failing infrastructure, and clean our pipes. State and federal regulations make additional demands to manage stormwater. Current resources are not adequate to comply with new regulations and responsibly manage the stormwater system.
Visit Past Presentations and Public Meetings to see the June 11, 2018 memo, presentation, and meeting minutes where the City Council discussed current unfunded operations, maintenance activities and future needs.