FARELESS service between Albany and Corvallis, Monday-Saturday with connections to Albany Transit System and Corvallis Transit System
Riding the Loop
Riding the Loop
The Loop operates Monday through Saturday except on New Year’s Day, Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, Memorial Day, Juneteenth, Fourth of July, Labor Day, Veteran’s Day, Thanksgiving Day, and Christmas. On the Friday after Thanksgiving, the Loop runs on a Saturday route/schedule.
Rider data
Visit the Loop rider data dashboard from Oregon Cascades West Council of Governments.
Bicycle Rack Service
- A bicycle rack is available for use on a first come-first served basis.
- The Linn-Benton Loop and its operator (City of Albany) assumes no liability for damage to bicycles.
Wheelchair Service
- The Linn-Benton Loop provides accessible service for passengers using mobility devices (wheelchairs).
- The transit operator will assist in securing the wheelchair in the spaces provided.
Title VI
- The Linn-Benton Loop and its operator (City of Albany) does not discriminate in the operation of its programs on the basis of race, color or national origin.
- For more information about the City of Albany’s Title VI Program, visit https://www.albanyoregon.gov/transportation/title-vi
Travel training is available. For information, call 541-917-7667.
Governing Board
Governing Board
The Linn-Benton Loop is operated by the City of Albany and governed by the Linn-Benton Loop Board. Staffing support for the Linn-Benton Loop Governing Board and Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) is provided by the Oregon Cascades West Council of Governments, through the Albany Area Metropolitan Planning Organization and the Corvallis Metropolitan Planning Organization.
For more information about the Linn-Benton Loop Governing Board and TAC, please contact Ashlyn Muzechenko at 541-812-2002 or via email at
Loop Service Development Plan
The Service Development Plan will help the Loop transit service be competitive for State Transportation Improvement Funds (STIF), to better serve employees, students, and other commuters in the Region.
Linn-Benton Loop Service Development Plan
Board Meeting Agendas Packets
TAC Agenda Packets
Service Development Plan – Project Team Meetings
Loop Member Binder Documents