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About the CDBG Program

The City of Albany became a Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) entitlement community in 2013, and receives an annual formula grant from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). The purpose of the CDBG program funds is to create viable urban communities through decent housing and suitable living environments, by removing blighted conditions, and expanding economic opportunities. CDBG funds can be used to implement a wide variety of community and economic development eligible activities, to principally benefit low- and moderate-income persons.

The CDBG program provides the City with an essential funding source to financially support a variety of programs and projects including those described on this webpage. Activities funded through the CDBG program must address the priority needs, goals, objectives and strategies identified through the City’s Five-Year Consolidated Plan and Annual Action Plans.

Public Input Opportunities

Each year, the City of Albany prepares an annual Action Plan that describes how CDBG funding will be used to address priorities in the five year Consolidated Plan. Public participation is important in helping the city identify priority needs that could be supported with CDBG funding. The city is continually seeking input from residents and supportive agencies to gain an understanding of priority needs and in setting goals to be included in annual action plans.

Ways to participate and provide input:

Email or call:

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Community Development Department
333 Broadalbin St SW
Albany, OR 97321

cdbg sunrise park

CDBG funds can be used to remove blighting influences in neighborhoods and improve or provide city facilities or infrastructure in eligible low-income neighborhoods, improve accessibility for disabled persons, and acquire sites and to develop infrastructure for low-income housing development projects. To date, CDBG funds were used to remodel Sunrise Park and add parking and lighting, add infill sidewalks along 19th Avenue SE from Main to Sunrise Elementary School, add curb ramps along the Dave Clark Path, and replace a failing section of Periwinkle Path north of Queen Avenue.

The Community Development Department guides growth and development within Albany by balancing the needs of current residents with those of future generations to ensure that the community remains a vibrant and desirable place to live, work, and play.

Contact us



 Request inspection

 333 Broadalbin SW (2nd floor)

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