The Community Paramedic Program (CPP) provides a new, innovative and transformational model of healthcare in our community. This program connects at-risk populations to appropriate resources, including patients who frequently use emergency services.
The CPP includes assessments, follow-up, and treatment to provide education and referrals in order to guide clients toward health and well-being, connect them with available services, and intervene with those who are unable or unwilling to take an active role in the management of their healthcare. As a result, reduces healthcare costs by providing appropriate level care in our community, reducing the use of traditional emergency services.
Community Paramedic
Hillary Kosmicki
Office 541-917-7733
Cell 541-971-7541
Medical Assessment & In-Home Care
A systematic approach to evaluating a patient’s current or chronic medical conditions that is used to communicate with the Medical Home and/or primary care physician. Services could include ECG, blood draw, basic vital signs, blood glucose levels, and carbon monoxide monitoring.
Activities of Daily Living Assessment
Assess patient’s capacity for bathing, dressing, toileting, transferring, continence, and feeding. Provide referral to home healthcare as needed.
Home Safety Assessment
Assess patient’s environment for safety related to the exterior and interior of the home, stairs, kitchen, bathroom, bedroom, and assistive medical devices.
Medication Reconciliation
Support patient, family and/or caregiver in the proper usage of home medications. Ensure thorough documentation of all prescription and non-prescription medications. Encourage the use of one, single pharmacy for medication oversight and consistency.
Community Resource Referral
When identified, provide assistance in referring patient to Senior Disability Services, Mental Health, Public Health, home health providers, non-emergent transport agencies, and other social service providers.
Hospital Discharge Planning Advocate
Provide in-home services to patient not meeting home health standard to provide coordination and patient, family, and/or caregiver understanding of hospital discharge plan. Services may include pharmacy assistance, follow-up with primary care physician, and coordination with discharge management services.
Collaboration with Primary Care Physician
Support patient, family, and/or caregiver in the proper usage of home medications and management of chronic illness. Report any signs or symptoms that might require an office visit.