January: National Mentoring Month
Third Week in January: No Name-Calling Week
January 27: International Holocaust Remembrance Day
February: Black History Month
February 20: World Day of Social Justice
March: Women’s History Month; Bisexual Health Awareness Month
March 1: Zero Discrimination Day
March 8: International Women’s Day
March 21: International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination
March 31: International Transgender Day of Visibility
April: Sexual Assault Awareness Month
April, day varies: Day of Silence
April 18: National Transgender HIV Testing Day
April 22: Earth Day
April 26: Lesbian Visibility Day
May: Asian/Pacific American Heritage Month; Jewish American Heritage Month; Mental Health Awareness Month
May 17: International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia, and Biphobia
May 18: World AIDS Vaccine Day
May 21: World Day for Cultural Diversity for Dialogue and Development
May 22: Harvey Milk Day
May 24: Pansexual and Panromantic Visibility Day
June: LGBT Pride Month
June 5: World Environment Day
June 12: Pulse Night of Remembrance
June 19: Juneteenth
June 26: LGBT Equality Day
June 26: Anniversary of the Legalization of Same-Sex Marriage in the U.S
June 27: National HIV Testing Day
June 28: Stonewall Riots Anniversary
July 14: International Non-Binary People’s Day
August 9: International Day of the World’s Indigenous Peoples
August 26: Women’s Equality Day
September: National Hispanic Heritage Month (Sept. 15 to Oct. 15)
September 15: International Day of Democracy
Starting the Sunday Before September 23: Bisexual Awareness Week
September 23: Celebrate Bisexuality Day
Last Week of September: Ally Week
October: LGBT History Month; National Hispanic Heritage Month (Sept. 15 to Oct. 15); Filipino American History Month; National Bullying Prevention Month
First Full Week in October: Mental Illness Awareness Week
October 10: World Mental Health Day
October 11: National Coming Out Day
October 19: Spirit Day, LGBT Center Awareness Day
October 26: Intersex Awareness Day
Last Full Week in October: Asexual Awareness Week
November: Native American Indian/Alaska Native Heritage Month
First Two Full Weeks of November: Transgender Awareness Week
November 8: Intersex Day of Remembrance
November 20: International Transgender Day of Remembrance
November 25: International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women
December 1: World AIDS Day
December 3: International Day of Persons with Disabilities
December 8: Pansexual/Panromantic Pride Day
December 10: Human Rights Day
- Details
Previewing the gallery
You are strongly encouraged to check out the gallery before your installation day. The gallery is located inside Albany City Hall.
333 Broadalbin St SW
Albany, Oregon 97321
Monday-Friday, 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Closed Saturdays and Sundays
Gallery and cases
The gallery has a variety of different spaces and the sizes of your artwork will determine the number of pieces to be accommodated. Artists should have a minimum of 20 pieces. The display space will accommodate up to 80 pieces depending on the size. The Albany Arts Commission reserves the right to schedule two artists to exhibit at the same time should the proposed installation not have enough to fill the spaces.
Display cases may be available for three dimensional art. One lockable case is located on the ground floor of City Hall next to the main entrances. A second may be available upon request.
As the artist, you are responsible for hanging and securing all pieces on display at City Hall.
The Gallery Chair will work with you to determine your installation and de-installation date and time. They will contact you about a month before your show to schedule these times. If you would like to schedule further in advance, get in touch with the gallery volunteer. All arrangements for scheduling the installation, exhibition, and removal of the show are at the discretion of Albany Arts Commission. The Gallery Chair will meet you on-site to answer any questions you may have and complete appropriate paperwork.
Loan Agreement and Inventory List
Artists are required to sign a “Loan Agreement”. At the time of installation, please provide an inventory list that captures what you have installed and the value of each work. The inventory list will be kept on file. The artist is required to also sign the loan agreement once the works have been deinstalled.
There are visitor spots located in the City Hall parking lot. Please use these for installation and de-installation.
Preparing your works for the exhibition
See the information listed on the Selection Criteria page
All pieces must be appropriately and securely framed and mounted for display. The ideal preparation for hanging framed artwork is to attach D-rings on a screw plate on the left and right sides of the frame for wood frames, the equivalent hardware on metal frames, with wire attached across the back. For other mediums, please use the best practice methods for your pieces. No sawtooth hangers, staples, thumbtacks, glue products, paste or rubber cement. Command strips are allowed.
Checklist for Artists
Before your exhibition:
- Prepare your display materials
- Artist statement or biography
- Exhibition labels with pricing
- Prepare works for exhibition using D-rings or similar hardware
Day of installation:
- Exhibition labels
- Exhibition inventory list
- Sign-in your works on the loan agreement
Day of de-installation:
- Sign-out your works on the loan agreement
Albany Arts Commission will work with the City of Albany to advertise your exhibition via social media when possible. Artists are encouraged to promote their exhibits on their own social media platforms. Cross promotion for future exhibits is always appreciated to help keep the community informed about the gallery at City Hall.
Artists may choose to price their art and make it available for sale. The Albany Arts Commission does charge a 15% commission on all sales. If a piece is sold, a red dot will be placed by the piece to indicate the sale. The Albany Arts Commission prefers to leave pieces up for the duration of the exhibition. The City of Albany will dispense payment to the artist after the exhibit minus the 15% commission. A W-9 is required from the artist for payment from the City of Albany. Proceeds go to the Albany Arts Commission, which is charged with supporting public art in Albany.
Contact information
Melissa Kemmer
Arts Commission Liaison
- Details
The Albany Arts Commission manages Albany’s gallery at City Hall. We welcome requests for exhibit of all visual arts. The gallery is located in the lobby of City Hall, 333 Broadalbin St. SW, Albany, OR 97321.
- All members of the community may submit their work to the Albany Arts Commission for consideration.
- Albany Arts Commission will jury artwork before exhibits are accepted. Artists will supply examples of work to the Albany Arts Commission before the deadline outlines below. Artists must include a short bio or artist’s statement.
- Albany Arts Commission members will be subject to the same requirements as community members in exhibiting their work with these exceptions:
- Albany Arts Commission members who submit work for consideration must publicly announce to the Commission that they have submitted work for consideration. That member will not be allowed to take part in the selection process.
- Work that is deemed too fragile or unsafe for display will not be accepted.
- One criterion for determining the acceptability of art will be its space requirements or size.
- Suggested maximum weight is 15 lbs.; although exceptions may be made.
- All pieces must be appropriately and securely framed and mounted for display as described in the Information for Exhibiting Artists handout.
- Each of the works of art need to be accompanied by an information tag with title, artist, price, and medium (if necessary).
- An inventory list of all items shown in the gallery is required by the Albany Arts Commission to be kept on file.
- Albany Arts Commission is prohibited from displaying pornographic or obscene material pursuant to ORS 167.087.
- Albany Arts Commission will be responsible for determining the quality and merits of the art. The Commission reserves the right to refuse any art.
- The artist is required to sign a “Loan Agreement” (please see attached).
- All arrangements for scheduling the installation, exhibition, and removal of the show are at the discretion of the Albany Arts Commission.
- Guilds and galleries are encouraged to apply and will be treated as a single artist/exhibit.
- Depending on the applicant pool, exhibits may be considered for one or two month periods.
- Artists may submit pieces for review each year; however, priority may be given to new artists.
- The artist may choose to price their art and make it available for sale.
- The Albany Arts Commission takes a 15% commission on all pieces sold.
- If a piece is sold, a red dot will be placed by the piece to indicate the sale. The Albany Arts Commission prefers to leave pieces up for the duration of the contract.
- Details
The Albany Arts Commission manages the display space inside the lobby of City Hall, 333 Broadalbin Street SW. We welcome requests for exhibit of all visual arts. The following are our selection criteria and application process.
Albany Arts Commission will jury artwork before exhibits are accepted.
- Artists will supply examples of work to the Albany Arts Commission before the deadline listed.
- Artists must include a short bio or artist’s statement.
- Guilds and galleries are encouraged to apply and will be treated as a single artist/exhibit.
- Depending on the applicant pool, exhibits may be considered for one or two month periods.
- Artists may submit pieces for review each year; however, priority may be given to new artists.
- Submissions must be received by the first of the month to be eligible to show the following month. (e.g. Apply by June 1 to be eligible to show starting July 1.)
Selection of work
Artists will be notified if they have been selected within sixty (60) days of the application deadline. All members of the community* may submit their work to the Albany Arts Commission for consideration.
- Albany Arts Commission will jury artwork before exhibits are accepted.
- Albany Arts Commission will be responsible for determining the quality and merits of the art. The Commission reserves the right to refuse any art.
- One criterion for determining the acceptability of art will be its space requirements or size.
- Albany Arts Commission is prohibited from displaying pornographic or obscene material pursuant to ORS 167.080.
Displaying your artwork
All arrangements for scheduling the installation, exhibition, and removal of the show are at the discretion of the Albany Arts Commission. If your work is accepted you will receive an "Information for Exhibiting Artists" handout about hanging and space requirements, installation, and other details.
- Work that is deemed too fragile or unsafe for display will not be accepted.
- Suggested maximum weight is 15 lbs.; although exceptions may be made.
- All pieces must be appropriately and securely framed and mounted for display as described in the Information for Exhibiting Artists handout.
- Each of the works of art need to be accompanied by an information tag with title, artist, medium, and price (if necessary).
- An inventory list of all items shown in City Hall is required by the Albany Arts Commission to be kept on file.
- The artist is required to sign an “Incoming Loan Agreement”.
Sales of artwork
The artist may choose to price their art and make it available for sale.
- The Albany Arts Commission takes a 15% commission on all pieces sold.
- If a piece is sold, a red dot will be placed by the piece to indicate the sale. The Albany Arts Commission prefers to leave pieces up for the duration of the contract.
If you have questions regarding the space or application procedure, contact the Arts Commission liaison, Alocia Doyle, at
*Albany Arts Commission members will be subject to the same requirements as community members in exhibiting their work but they must publicly announce to the Commission that they have submitted work for consideration and that member will not be allowed to take part in the selection process.
- Details
- Details